JM Mechanical Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Are Boilers Installed Today for Residential Heating?

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Residential heating systems have evolved significantly over the years, with various options available to homeowners. Among these options, boilers have long been a staple for providing warmth and comfort in homes.

Despite the emergence of newer technologies, boilers continue to hold their ground as reliable heating solutions. Homeowners love the cozy, radiant heating that boilers provide in addition to the fact that compared to other types of heating systems, boilers last longer and boiler repairs are less frequent.  In this blog post, we will delve into the continued relevance and appeal of boilers in modern residential heating.

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Furnace Maintenance Tips For Pet Owners

Monday, February 12th, 2024

Pets bring joy and companionship into our homes, but they also come with their fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining a clean and efficient HVAC system. Pet hair, dander, and other allergens can wreak havoc on furnace filters and components, leading to reduced efficiency and potential breakdowns. 

In this guide, we’ll explore essential furnace maintenance tips specifically tailored for pet owners to help keep their HVAC systems running smoothly and their indoor air clean and healthy. Some simple DIY tasks such as furnace cleaning and frequent changing of the air filter can go a long way in protecting your heating system.

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Why You Can’t Perform Boiler Maintenance on Your Own

Monday, January 15th, 2024

When your boiler runs into trouble, your first instinct is to inspect it, see what’s wrong, and decide if there’s a DIY solution available before you spend time calling a plumber. The problem is, even if you’re confident that you can fix a problem with your boiler or even just perform annual maintenance on your own, you’ll run into a massive roadblock that could cost you thousands later on down the line.

Boiler maintenance in Fairfield, OH is handled by trained and certified professionals like us because those are the only people who can work on your boiler if you want to maintain your warranty. They certify their work, so manufacturers don’t have an argument to not provide you with a solution if you need to call on your warranty.

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4 Main Ways to Prevent Boiler Problems

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Your boiler is out of sight and out of mind… until there’s a problem that prevents it from doing its job. Eventually, it wears down from ongoing use, and you run into a big repair. You get it done, that’s all well and good, but how do you prevent these large-scale breakdowns in the future?

That’s what we want to help you with. We have four different ways you can help your boiler so it incurs less wear and tear, and ideally, endures less breakdowns over the rest of its lifespan. We’ll celebrate the reduced number of repair bills later, but for now, let’s break it down.

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This Sensor in Your Furnace Might Be the Problem

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Your furnace has sensors in it to help with various functions. One of them is on your blower motor, which is what pushes air throughout your ductwork and out of your vents. Without it, the whole system simply doesn’t work as it’s supposed to.

Throughout all the furnaces in Lebanon, OH we’ve serviced or we’ve seen, on more than one occasion, the sensor on a furnace’s blower motor give out. This doesn’t sound like much of a big deal, but it actually has some serious ramifications for how your furnace runs. Let’s take a look at just what it does, and what it can do when it goes out.

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The Steps of Heating Installation You Should Know as a Homeowner

Monday, November 27th, 2023

When you picture your heater being installed, you’re probably not thinking of a bunch of mishaps and installation errors, right? Ideally, you’ll be thinking about enjoying the heat as soon as it’s on, and a smooth, calm installation. That’s all the more reason why you should know just what happens during installation in the first place.

We handle a lot of heating installation in Middletown, OH, so we’ve seen just about everything you can imagine during the installation process. Here’s what you should keep your eye on as a homeowner so you can be sure that everything’s done well.

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This Boiler Repair is a Red Flag that Needs Attention ASAP

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Boilers are tricky machines, but they don’t have to be headache-inducing. Issues that arise with boilers are perplexing to most homeowners, which is why we’ve written this post to help you identify the issues with your current boiler and quickly find a solution.

Most of the time, the issue comes down to getting boiler repair in Norwood, OH, because these machines are very particular when it comes to repairing them. We don’t recommend DIY boiler repairs under any circumstances because of how pressurized these systems are, but either way, it’s good to know what to look for when you’re checking your boiler for problems. Let’s begin.

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Don’t Ignore These Critical Furnace Warnings

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Your furnace gives off signals that there’s something wrong, and it’s up to you to spot these signs before they become a big problem. While annual maintenance is designed to help you thwart plenty of issues before they can progress, one annual visit isn’t foolproof.

You can require furnace repair in Loveland, OH in the middle of the year if you encounter these symptoms of a bum furnace, even if you upkeep your annual maintenance schedule. Let’s talk about what you need to keep your eyes peeled for before your furnace hits a critical breakdown.

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Signs That Your Boiler is Dying

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Boilers are excellent ways to heat your home, but they don’t last forever. Much like traditional HVAC systems, boilers can and will eventually become subject to mechanical failure. But how can you tell when that starts?

Before you need heating service in Hamilton, OH, it’s a good idea to know what to look for so you can hopefully avoid major breakdowns and expensive repair bills for your boiler. Let’s go over them now.

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Uncommon Heating Repair Problems You Might Run Into

Monday, February 27th, 2023

Your heater has habits. It kicks on around the same time every day, runs for the same length of time, and you have no complaints. But sometimes those habits can be interrupted.

Your heater isn’t broken, but something isn’t right. You could have some uncommon issues causing havoc within your system that aren’t completely obvious from the outside looking in.

They lead to heating repair in Cincinnati, OH,, and they’re the last problems you would expect.

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