JM Mechanical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Loveland’

Are Ductless Mini Splits Suitable for Ohio?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

When it comes to heating and cooling homes in Ohio, choosing the right HVAC system is crucial. With the state’s varying climate, from hot and humid summers to freezing winters, finding an efficient and reliable solution can be challenging. 

One option gaining popularity among homeowners is ductless mini splits in Loveland. But are ductless mini splits suitable for Ohio? Let’s explore why mini splits are an excellent choice for this region and go over the benefits of cold climate mini splits.

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How to Quiet a Noisy Air Conditioner

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Air conditioners are typically known for their quiet operation, but there are instances where they might produce more noise than usual. If your air conditioner seems like it is noisier than it should be, there are steps you can try and take to restore tranquility to your indoor environment. 

Our team specializes in air conditioning repair in Loveland and is ready to assist you if your efforts to quiet a noisy air conditioner aren’t successful or if it seems like a professional opinion is needed to determine if the noise is normal. Let’s delve into three effective strategies for ensuring a quieter AC experience.

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How Long Does AC Installation Usually Take?

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Getting a new air conditioner is exciting–the incoming relief from the heat, general comfort upgrade, and just having a new appliance in general can all get you excited. But the installation process? That isn’t exactly thrilling.

You want the job to be done quickly (and properly) so you can get back to enjoying your home, but how long does air conditioning installation in Loveland, OH actually take? Let’s answer that for you now.

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What is Sick Building Syndrome and How Do Air Purifiers Help?

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Have you ever heard of the term sick building syndrome, or SBS? This syndrome causes building occupants to feel sick and unwell, but they don’t know why. It can happen in homes, apartments, and places of work, too.

While it’s difficult to pin down why you don’t feel so well, it’s widely believed that the contaminants in the air combined with being in a confined space are a cocktail of conditions that lead to SBS.

An air purifier in Loveland, OH is usually the solution. We want to explain more about SBS, and how an air purifier can truly help you start feeling better as soon as possible.

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Don’t Ignore These Critical Furnace Warnings

Monday, April 10th, 2023

Your furnace gives off signals that there’s something wrong, and it’s up to you to spot these signs before they become a big problem. While annual maintenance is designed to help you thwart plenty of issues before they can progress, one annual visit isn’t foolproof.

You can require furnace repair in Loveland, OH in the middle of the year if you encounter these symptoms of a bum furnace, even if you upkeep your annual maintenance schedule. Let’s talk about what you need to keep your eyes peeled for before your furnace hits a critical breakdown.

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Pre-Holiday Plumbing Tips

Monday, October 10th, 2022

There are few systems that get more abuse than your home’s plumbing during the holiday season. We aren’t saying anyone sets out to be rough with their plumbing! But this is a time when we see more large gatherings, heavier use, and more mistakes occur in most homes throughout the area.

The last thing you need is a stopped toilet or leaking pipe ruining your family dinner. That’s why we want to help you out by helping you prepare.

After many years in the industry, we’ve seen what can happen during the holidays. With that knowledge, we put together some helpful tips to hopefully allow you to avoid some of the common issues that occur during this time of the year.

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4 AC Repairs We Can Provide

Monday, September 12th, 2022

Keeping your air conditioner in the best possible condition should be a priority whether you are heading into summer or about to wrap up. After all, random heatwaves are a thing, especially with the wild changes we’ve been seeing our climate exhibit.

What’s more, keeping your AC in good condition will help keep your budget more stable, which is especially important in the face of inflation.

We want you to take a moment to think about how well your air conditioner has been working lately. And if that thought worries you, then we need to talk! Our team can help you with just about any AC repair in Loveland, OH that you might need.

Read on to learn more about how we can help your system so you know when to reach out.

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